Tipico que me sale la nina que no le gusta el ballet como siempre ha sido mi plan sino el futbol odie las revistas y la moda y este revolcandose en el barro como siempre he temido.
Pero sin duda aguna si pudiese escojer a mi hijo escojeria a Arlo Weiner-Giraldo
"My mom got the jacket for me—I love it because I love Frank Sinatra and this is like something he would wear. I wore the jacket with the pants because I like the different plaids together. I thought the blue in the necklace brought out the blue in the pants. It’s a blue orb with fire around it."

“I have a lot of black outfits these days, so I needed the red ascot to add some color. I love red and black together—they each make the other stand out. I’ve worn this to school about 12 times.”

Sin mas que decir...
(AHH BTW LOUBOUTIN GIRL USA EXTENSIONES Y PESTANAS POSTIZAS Y SU NUEVO SOBRENOMBRE ES CAKE FACE) So she is not flawless or close to perfection... her shoes are tho...